Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Re: Watch out for that first step.....

Author - KidEternity
(12/29/00 3:33 pm)
Yes, Cap suddenly spied something.

Actually he spied multiple somethings.

An otherwise invisible angelic messenger... fat, balding, wearing a gown that Clarence from "It's a Wonderful Life" would have been ashamed to be seen in... Obviously, this was Mister Keeper - the entity which Cap had been warned to look for.

Or was it? This 'angel' was observing the scene being played out below, and finally swooped down to collect the boy's soul-essence. Cap overheard as Mister Keeper tut-tutted about a mistake having been made... that it was the grandfather's time to die, not the boy's.

And then the pair sped away... or otherwhere... before even the Speed of Mercury could react. Cap was momentarily stunned at how quickly things had gone, and had begun to berate himself mentally for letting his opportunity pass. It was then that Cap realized that he was - somehow - not fully within the reality of this time-space-continuum.

The Nazi U-Boat sailed away, as quickly as the alleged angelic messenger. And even though things within the panorama below played out at enormous speeds, the sun seemed to stand still in the sky!

Immediately Cap consulted the Wisdom of Solomon, but this was beyond the ken of mortal men... even the wisest mortal ever to live. The inner voice of wisdom only counseled Patience.

So Cap continued to watch as the scene before him changed... the light over the world seemed dimmer... and the sky seemed to rip asunder with a supernatural light. Through the rift swept innumerable beings of holy power...
...beings Captain Marvel instinctively knew to be true entities of the Angelic Host.

They swooped and swirled through the skies, with wings of fire and energy, and set up a song of mourning. One descended to the site of the murders, saying over and over I was the child's keeper.

Then the rest of the Host returned through the rift, leaving the lone guardian angel to mourn the loss of its charge.

Then, the scene before the Captain seemed to return to normal... except that the angel remained at the site of the murders.

(To be continued...?)


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