Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Out of the Frying Pan..............

Val Armor
(12/31/00 11:33 pm)
Captain Marvel has the Courage of Achilles. As a result, nothing really scares him. Even when he was just Billy Batson, his courage was great, greater even than many heroes.

However, he had just found himself in Hell, staring at him that was one of the most powerful and evil beings in the Universe.

You'd be nervous too.

"Neron," the Captain exclaimed more than a little surprised to find himself in the bowls of Hell.

The Arch Duke of Hell merely laughed, and made a subtle gesture with his right hand.

Cap suddenly realized that he and Neron weren't the only beings in the local area. Several large demons, 10 feet tall or taller, began to make their way towards the Captain. They were large, fearsome beasts, and they seemed eager to tear our hero limb from limb.

"Good grief," Cap thought to himself. "Like I didn't have enough to worry about without a 3rd trip to Hell."

The demons leapt at the Captain, only to find that he wasn't there anymore. They looked about confused, for their prey seemed to have vanished into thin air.

"Fools," Neron mumbled lowly. "He's above you."

Sure enough, the scarlet clad figure of Captain Marvel was several dozen feet in the air, hovering over the monsters, the Speed of Mercury having bore him up faster than the demons eyes could follow.

"Listen to me," the Captain spoke, his voice booming like thunder. "I have no wish to fight any of you. Just leave in peace and I promise no harm will come to-"

The demons flapped their leathery wings and began to ascend to Cap's level.

"-you," the disappointed Cap finished. "Well," he thought to himself "I tried to do it the easy way."

With that, Cap streaked down towards the demons. He resolved that, if he couldn't end this peacefully, he'd end it quickly and mercifully. With the Speed of Mercury, backed by the Strength of Hercules, Captain Marvel struck each demon once, very quickly and very HARD. The creatures all landed on the ground, unconscious before they struck the scorched wasteland.

Captain Marvel floated down to the ground very gracefully, and stood defiantly before the Prince of Darkness. Cap remembered how this detestable being had once sought after his soul, supposedly because it was the purest in all existence. Cap wasn't sure if he rated his soul THAT high, but he knew that he wasn't about to let this being of evil get his hands on his soul or Kit Freeman's soul. Not if he could help it.

"NERON," Captain Marvel said, his voice filled with authority one possesses when you've got the abilities of Gods. "Tell me what's going on here. What do you want with Kit Freeman's soul and is it in this realm? And why did your demons attack me?"

Neron rose from his throne, and even with his faith in himself and his abilities, Cap couldn't help but shudder at the sheer evil this man radiated.

"Why my dear Captain," Neron said, as if he were addressing a long lost friend "the demons were merely a momentary diversion, something to get your blood pumping. An exercise, if you will."

Neron smiled. Now Cap was officially worried.

"As for your questions......"

(To be continued?)


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