Thursday, August 25, 2005

Chat with an Angel

Val Armor
(1/20/01 2:41 am)
Captain Marvel nodded to himself. He wasn't looking forward to chatting with Rameriel and letting the angel know that he had failed him, but it had to be done.

With the Speed of Mercury, Captain Marvel shot forth from the cabin's door, and up into the air, moving faster and faster until he reached the speed of light....and surpassed it.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light and Captain Marvel was again in Eternity, the Rock sitting in the middle of space and time.

He entered the Rock, heading towards the throne room, where he sat on the wizard's throne to collect his thoughts. It was surprising how ..... 'right' it felt to sit on the throne. He shook his head and cleared his mind.

He clapped his hands as he said, "Historama, show me the area of the mist of Eternity that will take me to Rameriel."

Captain Marvel thought for a moment. "Also, on separate Historama 'screens' show me the location of Rameriel and the location of Kit Freeman's essence as well."


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