Wednesday, August 03, 2005

An Attempt at Diplomacy

Val Armor
(1/13/01 12:16 pm)
Captain Marvel stood up slowly, so as not to make things more volatile than they already were. With one hand, he placed his open palm towards the Keeper and Kid, in a calming apologetic gesture. In the other hand, he kept a firm grip on the chalice.

“I truly meant no offense, Mr. Keeper, Kit,” the Captain said sincerely “and I’m sorry if I have offended you.”

He looked at Mr. Keeper. “However, you seem awfully threatened by a chalice that was given to me by an ANGEL of GOD,” he said, emphasizing the last part.

Kit’s eyes widened. “And angel of God?”

Before Mr. Keeper could say anything, Cap began again. “Kit, I’m aware of your ability to summon beings by speaking the word ‘Eternity’. I know how we can settle this quickly. Have you ever heard of King Solomon?”

Kit nodded.

“Well, if you summon him here, I’m sure someone with his legendary wisdom can settle any disagreements we might have.”

Cap noticed Mr. Keeper didn’t seem to like that idea. Captain Marvel focused on Mr. Keeper, and examined him with all the Wisdom of Solomon and the Power of Zeus, the former which allowed him to realize when he saw a lie, the latter letting him see things mortals could not. If this Mr. Keeper was up to something, Cap had to be careful. All of reality depended on him reuniting Kid Eternity.


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