Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Re: Re: Out of the Frying Pan..............

Val Armor
(1/2/01 12:07 am)
Captain Marvel was DEFINITELY worried now. Neron was talking about tearing the multiverse asunder and letting Chaos have free reign over the universe. The Captain realized that chaos was a necessary part of existence, adding flavor and uncertainty to the universe, but to have it completely overwhelm and take the place of Order and reliability? The Captain shuddered at such a thought.

“Neron," Captain Marvel boomed, his voice coming like thunder "that’s insane, even for someone as demented as you. If Hypertime unravels, the Chaos would spread down here as well! There’s no telling what would happen. You might find yourself on the receiving end of some of the torture you’ve been inflicting on the souls down here. You could make things worse for you than they already are!”

The Captain thought quickly, wishing to press his debating advantage, and see what he could learn from his situation. Thankfully, Solomon ‘had his back’.

“Besides, there’s no guarantee that Kit Freeman has the power to destroy the Hypertime. True, he can call beings forth from Hypertime, but that’s not the same thing as destroying it utterly. For all you know, you could have an ‘unloaded’ weapon on your hands.”

Another idea occurred to the Captain.

“And if he does have access to that power, which is very questionable, just what makes you think you can make him do your bidding? How would even you make him do something that deplorable? You have great power, Neron, but even you cannot force someone do something they don’t want to do. Just how are you planning to do this heinous thing?”

“And,” he added “what makes you believe that this won’t just end up exploding in your face like every other plan you’ve concocted? People turn to the Lord in times of great need, and with all the Chaos you’d end up churning up, you would give them reason more to turn to God for help. You’ll just end up making the faithful stronger and might even turn people TO God. Chaos is, after all, very, very unpredictable, as are the people you are seeking to tempt.”


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